Wholesale and Fundraising
Interested in wholesale or fundraising? Wholesale orders start at as little as 100 cloths. We even custom print inserts with your information on them for reorders. Be in business for yourself
full time or part time. Be your own boss.
It's a wide open market
Since the Ultimate Cloth's Mirafiber� is a new technology and not available in any major retailers, there are millions of people that are not familiar with this inovative new fiber.
Product Quality
The Ultimate Cloth� is guaranteed to work for 5 years. One of a Kind Mirafiber is a patented technology and Ultimate Cloth is the only company offering a cloth with the Mirafiber trademark.
Easy to Sell
When dealing with a quality product that is easy to demonstrate, the product speaks for itself. Fill out the form for more information!
Fill out the form on the right for more information.